Travel to El Salvador

El Salvador has splashing volcanoes, amazing mountain scenery, relaxed surfing atmosphere and a population that is more than happy to help the few tourists choose the best the sun-drenched country has to offer. El Salvador is a major exporter of coffee, and the country’s pride is offered in the many different coffee bars where there is always a cheerful atmosphere and lively discussions.

See El Salvador Travel

Population: 6.3 million

Capital: San Salvador

Language: Spanish

El Salvador is the most densely populated country on the American mainland? There are over six million people living on an area that is about three times as large as Skåne.

that the inhabitants are so mad in their national dish, pupusa, that they spend a whole week every year celebrating it? Pupusa is a corn tortilla stuffed with cheese, meat or beans and is celebrated every year in early November.


El Salvador is a small country on the narrow Central American strip of land. The coast faces the Pacific Ocean and the borders are divided by Guatemala and Honduras. Two mountain ranges run through El Salvador parallel to the coastline. Many of the mountain peaks consist of volcanoes that erupt at regular intervals. Earthquakes are another threat to the Salvadoran population and the aftermath of the earthquakes sometimes consists of accompanying landslides. The coast is very dramatic in places with steep mountains disappearing into the sea and lagoons with mangrove trees or sandy beaches.


El Salvador’s colonial history is clearly reflected in the Spanish language and the Catholic faith. Even though the country makes up only half of Denmark’s area, it has almost seven million inhabitants (Denmark has 5.5 million inhabitants). The majority of the population is of mestizo (of both European and Indian origin), around one percent are Indians and slightly more are of European origin. The country is fighting against a relatively widespread poverty and is dependent on large foreign aid, especially from the United States.


The small mountainous country has been inhabited by Indians since 8,000 BC. The Mayan Empire stretched down to El Salvador and divided the area with the Toltec people pipil. The latter fiercely resisted the Spanish conquerors who arrived in 1525. The result of the resistance was that the pipelines were practically completely exterminated, but their resistance did not significantly delay the conquest. El Salvador became part of Spain’s Guatemalan colony until it became an independent republic in 1841. Since then, El Salvador has taken turns being in union with, or in war with, Honduras and Guatemala. The most recent war against Honduras was the so-called “football war” in 1969. This was triggered by an international match between the two countries’ football teams. El Salvador’s upper class ruled politics and economics both before and after colonial times, and got all the big profits from the profitable coffee plantations. When the monopoly was regularly threatened by coup attempts or uprisings among the population, the upper class received help from the military. Tensions between the upper and lower classes eventually triggered a protracted civil war between 1980 and 1992, claiming 75,000 lives. The end of the Civil War was the beginning of a slow and difficult development towards a democratic state. However, the country still has problems with poverty, unemployment and crime.

Tourist attractions

Those who want to travel around El Salvador do not have to travel long at a time, as everything is close to each other in the small country. Therefore, it is possible to hike up high volcanoes in the morning and rest the sore muscles on the beach in the afternoon. Nature, culture, beaches, metropolitan atmosphere, Mayan ruins or colonial cities – there are enough for several excursions in El Salvador. Anyone who likes captivating and different nature has come to the right place. Experience how the crowns of 30 meter high oak and laurel trees block out almost all sunlight in the fog forest Montecristo. Let yourself be captivated by the six-kilometer-wide crater lake Coatepeguque, whose clear, blue waters make all other lakes fade with envy. Relax on the beach at Playa los Cobanos or challenge fate at the three threatening volcanoes of the large volcano National Park Cerro Verde. If it takes more than culture to create the perfect vacation, El Salvador’s combination of Native American cultures, colonial times and modern metropolitan atmosphere is perfect. Enjoy the surfing atmosphere in La Libertad. Experience the contrast between peaceful churches and hectic markets in San Miguel. Let yourself be overwhelmed by the culture of both the fine and the popular variety of San Salvador. Live life in the colonial pearl of Santa Ana and let the sweat flow during a walk up the Maya’s many stepped pyramids in Tazumal.

Climate and weather in El Salvador

Here you can read about the weather in El Salvador. Here you will find average temperatures for the capital San Salvador.

San Salvador
Daytime temperatures 29 30 31 31 30 28 29 29 28 27 28 28
Night temperatures 15 15 16 17 18 18 17 17 17 17 16 16
Precipitation (mm) 5 3 8 60 190 322 304 297 325 220 35 7

According to bridgat, El Salvador has a tropical climate that is drier than in the rest of Central America. The rainy season lasts between May and October. Other months it almost never rains in El Salvador. At the coast, the average temperature is

22-23 ° C without any major deviations. Inland, the temperature varies more and fluctuates between 18 and 23 ° depending on the season and how high you are.

Travel to El Salvador

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